Myhome MNK, From factory to public, Quality products, Affordable prices
Why you shop on our www.myhomemnk.com page?
You can also purchase MyhomeMNK store and products by searching on TRENDYOL, HEPSIBURADA, N11 and other online sales platforms.
However, you can shop at our online sales page www.myhomemnk.com at a price at least 20% more affordable, without the commission fees charged by this and all other online sales platforms.
We would like to point out that, free shipping, returns, exchanges, secure shopping with credit cards, installment options and all other services that these platforms offer you are actually your legal rights, you have these rights and opportunities on www.myhomemnk.com.
So why would you pay more for the same product from the same store, in terms of commission fees and additional taxes?
Myhome MNK has adopted the mission of providing quality products at affordable prices to our valued customers through online retail sales by supplying the products it selects directly from the manufacturers.
The address of quality at an affordable price
MyHome MNK